Vorheriger Vorschlag


Ich kann mir kein Auto leisten, weil ich im Pflegebereich tätig bin und Kinder habe. Ich nutze also den ÖPNV, Rad und Füße. Damit schütze ich die Umwelt, gefährde keine anderen Menschen und koste dem Steuerzahler weniger Geld.

Nächster Vorschlag


Das S-Bahnnetz muss modernisiert werden, damit der Autoverkehr aus der Region in die Stadt abnimmt. Die Unpünktlichkeit, Unzuverlässigkeit und der ausgedünnte Takt am Abend sind Hindernisse für einen regionalen Verbund.


Balance and diversity

dont change the running system. all works well enough. id add number plates for bicycles so that they stop breaking the rules and endangering traffic situations. there is still nothing better than private car and hopefully it stays like that. in the end, BMW factory is in the city


it only works well enough for people who are able to own a car. All the others spend more money, are more in danger and spend more time to move while saving our air (which you probably also need to breath). So it does NOT work, if we want to be fair to every road user.

..there is a huge discrepancy between the car-oriented city and the needs of pedestrians, cyclists and the development level of public railway systems and stations.
Year by year, Munich is a top city in the categories of traffic jams, car ownership, surface sealing.
Change this arrogant car mentality now.

True diversity on the roads can only evolve when all participants in traffic are equal. This is not the case nowadays in the car-oriented layout.
Number plates on cars currently do not help to prevent the endangering behaviour of some car drivers. So, why should we put number plates for bicycles in place as another useless measure, just because some cyclists break rules?
Finally, BMW is in the city, so what? There are also many working places in the city, which are related to health care and other important infrastructure. People working in these jobs very often do not even have the money to afford a private car. Should their mobility requirements not be treated at least equally to the desires of car owners?